Chloë Grace Moretz Reflects...

The Carrie and the Kick-Ass star, Chloe Grace Moretz, recently disclosed the darkness...

Who Is Ryan Grantham’s...

In the Diary of a Wimpy Kid actor, Ryan Grantham has been sentenced...

Who Is Maryka? About...

What are we getting to hear these days? Is Adam Levine cheating on...

Renowned American Jazz Organist...

Joey Defrancesco, the munificent Jazz Organist, saxophonist, and trumpeter of America died on...
Meet our dedicated

AlphaNewsCall Team

Amanda Abrams

Movie Journalist

Amanda Abrams has been a regular contributor to a range of various movie-based outlets. She began her career as a freelance content writer. Now, she works as a freelance film journalist and writes for a range of media outlets.Amanda Abrams has also made many contributions to various radio shows and television features in the movie industry.

Jake Abbate

Content Writer

Jake Abbate is a content writer for Alphanewscall. He has been writing blogs for more than a decade and has built up his own reputation. Also being a content writer, Jake Abbate is a knowledgeable marketer and consistently produces engaging and educational content that is beneficial to everyone.

Jane Milano

Content Writer

Jane Milano is a Master of Science student at the California Institute of Technology.She has been writing articles, blogs, magazines, poetry, internet content, and newspapers as a freelancer for more than 4 years. For the past 1 year, Jane Milano has been working as a freelance writer for Alpha news call.

Carrie Haderlie


Currently an editor at Alpha News Call, Carrie has worked with many local newspapers, including Casper Star Tribune, Wyoming Business Report, Jackson Hole Daily, etc. She is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and, besides journalism, is also an active marathoner.

Jacqueline Gualtieri

Film Journalist

Jacqueline Gualtieri has been working as a content writer with a focus on film, television, and lifestyle.for the Alphanewscall. She also works as a writing coach, developmental editor, and career consultant.She has been has been published in Buzzfeed, The Date Mix, Spoon University, Food and Wine, Yahoo and HuffPost

Christian Hartman

Web Master

Christian Hartman has been programming since he got his first computer at the age of 10. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science from the University of Chicago.

Alex A.

Content Writer

Alex A has been working as a freelance content writer for the past few years. He also works as a writing trainer, content editor, and content consultant. Alex A is also a Arts & Entertainment Writer who consults with premier companies globally.


Graphic Designer

Sharalee is a freelance graphic designer, website designer, illustrator for Alphanewscall