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Original Nazareth Singer Dan McCafferty Dies at 76

dan mccafferty

Dan McCafferty was one of the resounding and invigorating great singers of the hard rock band Nazareth. He was the leading vocalist of the band and one of the founding members and with his impeccable talents, the band and Dan McCafferty rose to prominence within the blink of an eye. The saddest news now circulating over the internet is the death of Dan McCafferty who died at 76. 

Dan McCafferty Death

The Dan McCafferty death news was announced by one of their fellow band member named Pete Agnew, who is the band’s riveting bassist through their band’s official Facebook page. The post reads “ This is the saddest announcement I ever had to make. Maryann and the family have lost a wonderful loving husband and father, I have lost my best friend and the world has lost one of the greatest singers who ever lived. Too upset to say anything more at this time”. 

Through the official Facebook page of the hard rock band Nazareth, the death news of Dan McCafferty was announced and this was indeed shocking to the world who loved his songs and who idolized him. The effulgent star has now gone from the world and leaving his vestiges all alone on the earth. He left a wide lacuna in all the hearts who loved him. 

Who was Dan McCafferty?

William Daniel McCafferty born on October 14, 1946, was undoubtedly one of the greatest singers of his time and with his mind-blogging singing capabilities, he has just swooped into the lives of his audiences way too fast. His solemn smile and his voice were the remedies for all the maladies and within a snap of fingers he just carved out his own space in the realm. 

Dan McCafferty was the pillar of strength of the hard rock band Nazareth and he was one of its founding members of it. The band was formed in early 1968 and besides Dan McCafferty, Pete Agnew, Manny Charlton the guitarist, and Darrel Sweet, the Drummer was part of it. In a concert once Dan McCafferty said that the sole reason for upbringing a new band has nothing to do with acquiring famous or in a way desperately trying to change the world. They accentuated that all four of them hail from a small town and loved music to their core in spite of all of us in the band has different tastes in their life to pursue. The sole chemistry of everybody in the band is responsible for its success. It has nothing to do with pursuing public stunts. 

On April 27, 2010, at a concert, Dan McCafferty sang very beautifully and he just overlapped and made his concert a memorable event by all means. In an interview that happened in 2014, Dan McCafferty opened up about his uncanny predicament and that was something too repugnant to the world. In the interview, Dan McCafferty with a leaden heart said that he is suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This malady was described by the Mayo Clinic as a chronic inflammatory lung disease that obstructs airflow from the lungs. So this impediment in his life made him take a drastic decision and he decided to retire from his band in Nazareth. He said, “ I can’t sing on tour like I used to anymore. I figure if you can’t do the job then you really shouldn’t be there. I am sad about it but I just can’t sing a whole set live anymore”. So with a perforated heart, Dan McCafferty said about his miserable condition where he cannot sing a song completely and how deeply sad he is for his condition moreover he passionately reminisced about the golden days of Nazareth. 

Dan McCafferty Cause of Death Explained!

The cause of the death of Dan McCafferty is announced yet neither by his friends nor his family. His mourning family and friends have sought privacy in their low moments and since there is no official announcement regarding his cause of death we cannot presume anything. But we all were aware of his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and maybe it can really have a role in making him debilitated and his health deteriorating. So until an official report comes we cannot assume or speculate anything regarding the cause of death of this wizard singer. 

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The Nazareth Band and Dan McCafferty

Nazareth which was formed in early 1968 was a Scottish hard rock band in Dunfermline which had umpteen hits in their history in the United Kingdom and in several other western European countries. With their 1975 album titled Hair of the Dog, they garnered hordes of international audiences. 

The bands acquired their inspiration from The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. And the band’s name was derived from the first line of their classic song named The Weight. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the band inexplicably continued to make umpteen studio albums and tours which really gave them a wide range of exposure to the world. Due to illness, the band announced the retirement of Dan McCafferty on August 28, 2013. And after his retirement, it was Pete Agnew remained as one of the original founding members of the band. The place left by Dan McCafferty was occupied by singer Linton Osborne with the blessing of Dan himself. 

The current members of the band include Pete Agnew, Jimmy Murrison, Lee Agnew, and Carl Sentance. Former members of the band left because of several reasons and the members include Dan McCafferty, Darrell Sweet, Manny Charlton, Zal Cleminson, Billy Rankin, John Locke, Ronnie Leahy, and Linton Osborne. 

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